- CIRCA - 1939
- DISTRIBUTOR -Quaker Oats Company
- SIZE - 6.75" long
- PRICE GUIDE - $75.00-$125.00 EX-NM
In celebration of baseballs 100th
birthday, Quaker Oats offered free
baseball Gifts with Box Tops from
Quaker Puffed Wheat, Quaker
Puffed Rice, and Quaker Corn Flakes.
Given for 8 Box Tops or 1 Box Top and
.15¢. was this Baseball Centennial
Charm Bracelet. As Advertised the
Baseball Centennial Charm Bracelet is
issued once every 100 years. This smart
modern, gold-colored charm bracelet
commemorates baseball's 100 birthday.
Be the first to wear one. Exclusive
design. Order Now! Offer expired
October 1, 1939.
The three charms on a chain are in the shape of a baseball, crossed bats
and ball, and a diamond which reads:
"1839 Baseball Centennial 1939" Other
premiums included; Baseball Centennial
Ring, given for 5 Box Tops or 1 Box Top
and .10 cents, and an
Umpire's Watch FOB Score Indicator,
given for 9 Box Tops or 1 Box Top and
.15 cents. The front of the FOB has the
Official Baseball Centennial Souvenir
The National Centennial Commission held
a contest to design an emblem for the
100th anniversary of baseball in the
summer of 1938. Unveiled in December,
at the annual meeting of the National
Association of Professional Baseball
Leagues, the winning design was awarded
to New York artist Majori Bennet. The
design was used on such items as
stationary, publications, souvenirs and
1839- 1939 Quaker Oats
Baseball Centennial Charm
Bracelet Premium |
1939 Quaker Oats Baseball
Centennial Premiums |
Umpire's Watch FOB |
1839-1939 Baseball Centennial Ring |